-Guides de Conversation- for FRENCH & Where to Stay in Hotels & Palaces Guide
Released this Summer in FRANCE
(Source: Lonely Planet - L'Archipel)
The French are renowned for being unskilled, reluctant, and even resistant when it comes to speaking foreign languages, in particular english. While they may be considered the poor pupil of Europe when it comes to their level of English, the French are even more reputed for their resistance to the language. But after spending some times in Paris, you could be amazed at how often French people try to speak English. French people often love to jump into often imperfect English and I think it's quite an admirable thing to do.
According to the Eurobarometer report 2012, 39% of the French population speaks English. That includes people living in the countryside. Which means that in a big city like Paris or Bordeaux where there are a lot of tourists, the percentage of people speaking English is likely to be much higher.
French is a language which, if you don't speak it properly, is difficult to understand. Structure being so important and all. So French speakers are afraid, when they don't master a foreign language, that they won't be understood.
French is a language which, if you don't speak it properly, is difficult to understand. Structure being so important and all. So French speakers are afraid, when they don't master a foreign language, that they won't be understood.
Some would say that French used to have a great French colonial empire which made them believe for a while that they do not need to learn other languages. Others would say that French are not that bad in Spanish, French being a Latin language and learning Spanish is, generally speaking, easier for French people as it is to learn English. English has very different language structures and syntaxes.
We can even have a third though which is that Cultural material in France such as books, movies, TV shows, theatre are either dubbed or from France to promote French Culture (local artists, local authors, local production). The Arts and Culture industry in France is powerful and mass pop culture coming from America may appear as a threat to French traditionalists..... So, whatever is the reason, some Conversation Guides are regularly published to help French people to improve their skills. Some examples are given by Lonely Planet Editions.
Travelers have an incredible range of hotel options for staying in FRANCE and around the world. It can go from conveniently located hotels, hotels for budget-savvy travelers, guest houses,rustic bed and breakfasts, up to luxury and glamourous palaces.The Guide 'Désir d'Hotels. De la maison d'hôtes au Palace' (Guide 2016-17 L'Archipel Editions) offers a list of 120 exclusive Hôtels in FRANCE and around the World.The book is classified under 16 'Desire' sections : Jewelry, Happiness, Cinema, Golf, Love, Meditation, Memory, Snow, Palace, Paradise, Feet under the water, Swimming Pool, Signature, So Spa, Urban and vineyard.
Yasmina BEDDOU
Yasmina BEDDOU
Ruby Bird Yasmina Beddou Guide De Conversation Archipel Editions Lonely Planet Editions English Spanish Russian Arabic France World French Tourists Travellers
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